Galaxy S24 Series - Official Specs

Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy S24 Specs (Official)

The story of the Galaxy S24 Series as told by Samsung is led by AI. I have no idea if that's the right pitch or not, but the industry is funny sometimes and that's the current focus of everyone, so here we are. For those not into AI and care more about the...
Galaxy S24 - 7 Years of Updates

Galaxy S24 Series Gets 7 Years of OS Updates Too

Don't ever let anyone in this business tell you that updates aren't a big deal. They are. There is a reason that we've spent years talking about the number of years of support for each device that's released, because it matters to customers when they prepare...
Samsung Galaxy S23 - Reserve S24

Final Chance to Reserve the Galaxy S24 and Get $50

Alright, it's really final warning time - reserve your Galaxy S24 or Galaxy S24 Ultra or forever (well maybe) bid farewell to the bonus $50 from Samsung that you get for doing so. Samsung will announce the Galaxy S24 Series tomorrow, January 17, and shortly...
Galaxy S23 Ultra - S24 Ultra Pre-Orders

Galaxy S24 Ultra’s $50 Reserves Hit Final Days

We took a brief look at the countdown to Samsung's next Unpacked event and can't believe we are down to only a few days remaining until the Galaxy S24 Series is official. For those who haven't yet, it's time to reserve (here) and get that bonus $50 credit to...