video: 50 android games 1 video

gaming on a motorola droid is the one thing i haven't had a chance to really get into other than robo defense, but after watching this video of 50 games on a droid, i may now be ready to start wasting away hours upon hours...(via engadget and @xfenixknightx)

nexus one 2.1 clock app ported to android 2.0.1

who needs android 2.1 when we have all the apps from it already?  (ok that was a pretty ridiculous statement!) in all seriousness, it's been nice to have most of the major apps from the nexus one and android 2.1 on our 2.0.1 phones well before we've actually...

video: app review of tweetcaster twitter app

a big thanks to the folks at handmark for sending us the beta version of tweetcaster. this is a great little twitter application that will be hugely popular once it is released to the public.  the beta testing stage is nearing its conclusion, some tweaks...

nexus one 2.1 music app ported to android 2.0.1

bringing you another android 2.1 application!  the latest release to hit our android 2.0.1 devices is the nexus one music app which is a nice upgrade to the current droid music program and easily worth checking out.this music app isn't ground breaking...

video: android 2.1 launcher on motorola droid

just the other day, we provided the instructions and apk file to install the android 2.1 launcher onto your motorola droid device and some people showed some concern. so as we like to do on droid life when people get a little tentative, we make videos! here is...

video: review lookout security for android

continuing on in our video review series of android applications, we stumble onto a fantastic security application called lookout. if you are not aware of lookout, it has gained fame over the last week after being used to return a stolen phone back to its...

video: review seesmic twitter on android

the first of our many application reviews! seesmic is the newest twitter application that is worth your time and its release provided the perfect opportunity to start off our application review series.  without getting into written details, we'll just say that...

iphone beats motorola droid in touchscreen test

we just checked out this video showing the performance of the touchscreens on an iphone, motorola droid and droid eris.  the iphone dominated while our lovely little motorola droid seemed to struggle in the test. i'm not surprised by this at all.  and part of...