Video: Deadly Chambers on Android

If you are into first person shooters and have been saddened at the lack of quality titles so far on Android, then check out this game called Deadly Chambers.  The developers put over 9 months into this release and were even invited to Google I/O to demo their...

Samsung Fascinate Review

As the newest Android phone to land on Verizon, the Samsung Fascinate has to compete directly with the Droid franchise which as you may have expected, sparked our interest immediately.  There is something exciting about seeing the next batch of Android devices...

Unboxing: Samsung Fascinate on Verizon

Got our grubby little Droid paws on a Samsung Fascinate today which we are all expecting to launch on Verizon next week for $199 on new 2-year contract and a possible BOGO offer thrown in.  Anyways, no more rambling, let's get straight to the video... Oh and...

Samsung Fascinate TV Spot Launches

Being a big Droid guy, the Samsung Galaxy S lineup of phones just hasn't grabbed my attention yet, but with their impressive specs, SuperAMOLED screens and industry-wide availability, it's hard not to at least watch out of the corner of my eye.   And with the...

Milestone 2 Makes Brief Appearance? Does HD Video?

The Motorola Milestone 2 made an unexpected appearance today and one that wasn't planned by Motorola from what we can tell.  A full on intro video was found by Android Central then quickly removed only to re-appear again from some a sneaky Engadget reader....

Real HDMI App for DROID X Unlocks HDMI Magic

Time to take your Droid X and use it's HDMI out feature the way it was meant to be used through Real HDMI.  From developer Gman comes the first app which allows you to hook up your DX, see the display simultaneously on your TV and take full advantage of its...

Video: Official Flash Running on Motorola DROID X

If you downloaded the leaked Android 2.2 update for the Droid X earlier, then we want to be sure you know that it comes pre-loaded with official Flash 10.1.  Yep, you can now watch Youtube videos in browser, play the thousands of Flash games in the wild, and...