LG Optimus G Review [AT&T]

When LG first announced the Optimus G, our jaws about hit the floor because of the specs. But as it inched closer to launch, most of us realized that this phone wouldn't launch on all carriers in a way that we have seen from Samsung and their Galaxy S3,...

Motorola DROID RAZR M Review

The DROID RAZR M by Motorola was introduced last week as a mid-range device with, for the most part, top tier specs on Verizon. It sports an "edge-to-edge" display, dual-core processor, and Ice Cream Sandwich in one of the smaller packages we have seen in some...

Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE Review

Motorola's Photon Q has been out for about a week now on Sprint and we are ready to put up our "official" opinions and thoughts on the device. As someone who never owned another QWERTY phone after the OG DROID, it was interesting to say the least to go back to...

HTC DROID Incredible 4G LTE Review

The DROID Incredible 4G LTE sort of came at a bad time, just like the Motorola Atrix HD. Both phones were released far too close to the phone of the year, the Samsung Galaxy S3. And just like the Atrix HD, I have had this phone for over a month now, but when...

Motorola Atrix HD Review

I have had the Motorola Atrix HD in my possession since early July, but since the Galaxy S3 launched at a similar time, it had to be put aside for a while. Now that things in the Android world have cooled off, it seemed like a great time to revisit the third...

Samsung Galaxy S3 Review [Verizon]

We actually should call this a mini-review since we aren't going all out like we did when we originally reviewed the Samsung Galaxy S3. With each carrier having the exact same build, with identical specs, buttons, look, and version of Android, there is no need...

Samsung Galaxy S3 Review

It's here, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has arrived. Well, almost. Depending on the carrier, you may not see it for a week or two, but the time is certainly upon us. Are you ready for one phone, in two colors, on all carriers? Are you ready for 2GB of RAM? How about...


The HTC EVO 4G LTE is the latest in one of Android's most iconic brands to emerge on Sprint. Coming this Friday (May 18) to a store near you, there probably won't be another device this good on America's third largest carrier for some time. With that said, how...