Nexus 6 Review

Reviewing Google's new Nexus 6 has been an entertaining mixed bag of an experience. This is so close to being the phone that long-time Android fanboys have been waiting for. This is a Nexus phone, made by Motorola, that has the most premium set of specs...

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Review

Finally, DL is posting its Galaxy Note 4 review. Sure, it may be late, but as the saying goes, better late than never. We have spent a few weeks with Samsung's large flagship device and are comfortable with now throwing our final opinion out into the open...

Sony Xperia Z3v Review

The Sony Xperia Z3v is a strange phone. It's not quite a Z3, not quite a Z2. Thinking about the Z3v reminds me of the strange Xperia Play commercials where a back ally deal resulted in human thumbs being appended to an android. This mashup of hardware with...

DROID Turbo Review

The DROID brand deserves the majority of credit for the amount of early success that the Android operating system had in 2009 and 2010. From the original Motorola DROID to the original DROID Incredible, this was the brand of phones that people flocked to if...

Sony Xperia Z3 Compact Review

I love Sony's current approach to smartphones. They start with a flagship phone that has top tier specs to compete with anyone. But then to compliment that phone and appease those of us who don't like oversized phones, they release a smaller, "compact" version...

Samsung Galaxy Alpha Review

After being announced by Samsung, the Galaxy Alpha was a device we saw unexpected excitement for. Maybe it is the new design language Samsung implemented for the hardware, or the fact it features decent specs in a smaller package, but many people across the...
iphone vs android

iPhone 6 Review

In short, the iPhone 6 is not the phone for me. Shocker, right? I spent the last two weeks with the iPhone 6 by my side out of both curiosity and to become even more familiar with Android's biggest competitor. I have seen all that iOS 8 has to offer (at least...

Moto X Review (2nd Generation)

Last year's Moto X earned "Top Android Phone of 2013" honors from our staff even though it had some pretty major flaws. With its below-average 720p display and mostly-terrible camera, the overall package still bested the rest of smartphones in the game, thanks...