Official Nexus 7 Dock Hands-on

Hey, would you look at that - the official Nexus 7 dock is real! I say that for a couple of reasons actually, mostly over the fact that Nexus accessories are always on display during unveilings, yet almost never make it to customers hands or become any sort of...

Review: Treegloo Case for the Nexus 7

The review of Portenzo's awesome Nexus 7 covers way back in the day got me thinking that I'd like a case of my own for my tablet. I wanted to see what other good quality cases were out there though, and many people suggested that I check out Treegloo if I was...

Video: Quick Look at the Nexus 4 Bumper Case

When the bumper case for the Nexus 4 went back on sale earlier in the week, I caved in and bought one. After having a well-documented, not-so-awesome time with the glass on my first Nexus 4, I decided that this time around I would do everything in my power to...

Review: Motorola S11-FLEX HD Wireless Headphones

We don't normally do headphone reviews, because well, we're not a headphone site. We allow the real audio blogs to take care of that stuff, while we as Android enthusiasts, stick to what we do best. With that said, when Motorola asked if we would be interested...