Video: DROID 2 Multimedia Dock Review

The Droid 2 seems to be an enigma of sorts that no one can quite figure out.  Is it a worthy upgrade from the original Droid or not?  (Maybe if we would actually do a review people could decide?  Soon!)  Well one of the accessories for it, the multimedia dock,...

Video Review: Mikradle Evolution Droid Dock

We got our little Droid paws on a docking accessory that actually works with the Droid Incredible and as far as I know, is the first and only one you'll find at this time.  Please say hello to the Mikradle Evolution, a custom wood and metal docking station...

Review: Livespeakr – Portable Droid Speaker System

Over the weekend, we got our paws on the only portable Motorola Droid speaker system known to man, the Livespeakr.  After 2-3 days of playing with it, we were able to toss together a full video review plus a few shots of this little music machine.  So what's...

Video: Unboxing an EzeStand

You know it's going to be a good day when you open your front door and find a package sitting there screaming, "I'm a Droid toy!  Open me!"  And that's exactly what happened today.  The boys at ezeStand were kind enough to let us check out their sweet...

reviews: motorola droid hard plastic cases

we've now purchased 3 different motorola droid hard plastic cases and have the definitive review. we got one from, another from and our final one from and we'll tell you which one you need to buy through our...