Wednesday Poll: Thoughts on the Name XOOM?

The word XOOM popped up today as a potential candidate for the official name of the Motorola tablet and we're sort of torn on our thoughts of it.  Does it sound a lot like Microsoft's Zune?  Yep.  But does it look and sound like a solid name to add to our...

Tuesday Poll: Android Phone Manufacturer of Choice?

When this Android game was getting a major kick start last year from the original Droid, Motorola seemed to be the manufacturer of choice with a phone built to last and also running a non-skinned version of Android.  Since then though, we've seen Moto take...

Tuesday Poll: Thoughts on GameLoft? (Updated)

A couple of our friends in the industry (here and here) have already posted up some of their choice thoughts today about GameLoft, but as a site with a crazy active community, we wanted to see your thoughts on the company as well.  If you aren't familiar with...