Thursday Poll: Current Android App Obsession is?

I know we're only 3 weeks into 2011, but we always like to see the current trends in Android apps and have to ask this question.  We have introduced each other to a ton of great apps recently, but need to know, which app are you currently obsessing over?  ...

Tuesday Poll: Current Android Device is?

It's that time again.  Every couple of months we like to ask the community here at Droid Life what device they are currently rockin' to give us an idea as to where your minds are in the Android world.  For the first time ever, we've actually included a bunch...

Wednesday Poll: Is the DROID Brand Done for?

With yesterday's announcement that the i*hone is on the way, all anyone can think about is how it will affect the DROID brand and Verizon's Android lineup in general.  Will the DROID BIONIC be the last in a line of incredibly successful devices?  I sort of...

Tuesday Poll: So, Who’s Switching to it?

It seems like such an easy question to answer, but there are still those out there willing to give up their current device for an outdated one that Verizon announced today which has a tiny screen, no LTE, and no dual-core processor.  Oh, let's also not forget...

Monday Poll: 2011 will be the Year of…?

We're 3 days into 2011 and already starting to see a variety of tech trends popping up.  With CES kicking off tomorrow night, talks of Tegra 2 processors, Honeycomb tablets, 4G LTE phones and the VZW i*hone are all dominating internet chatter.  These may be...

End of Year Poll: Biggest DROID Story of 2010?

In just a few hours we'll be wrapping up 2010, a year that we'd like to unofficially refer to as the "Year of DROID."  You couldn't go anywhere without seeing or hearing the word "DROID".  It was on billboards, on TV, in theaters, in sports, on late night talk...