Friday Poll: Verizon Nexus or Something Else?

If there is one device that the Android developer community would ask for, it seems pretty obvious that it would be branded as a Nexus and have the ability to connect to Verizon's 4G LTE network.  Nothing screams Android like a Nexus device, but tack on the...

Monday Poll: The Perfect Smartphone Screen Size is?

A lot of chatter throughouit the last week or two has been over whether or not the 4.5" devices that are on the horizon are too big or just right.  The Samsung Galaxy S II originally launched in Europe/Asia with a 4.3" Super AMOLED Plus display, but has...

Jumptap Releases OS Breakdown Of America

Who doesn't love a good info-graphic from time to time? The newest graph, released by Jumptap, shows 48 U.S. States and how they rank up against each other in overall OS domination. Within their report, spanning 38 million users, Android ranked 1st at a cool...