Thursday Poll: Favorite Android Keyboard is?

   There are so many keyboards these days that it has almost become a chore to keep up with them.  I seem to find myself switching on a weekly basis, falling in love for a couple of days with one, and then reverting back to or finding a new option shortly...

Wednesday Poll: Your Current Phone is?

Could not remember the last time we ran a poll to see which device was dominating the DL community, so let us go ahead and do that today.  With a new phone popping up almost weekly, we know that the love is getting spread around.  Still rockin' that OG while...

Show Off Your Home Screens Day!

   It has been a few months since we last asked to see the masterpieces that you have created on your Android phone's home screen.  Being a Thursday in between device releases, we thought this was the perfect time to see what you have cooked up.  The ADW icon...