Droid Life’s Look Back At 2011 In Numbers

We have a huge love for people's opinions here at Droid Life, which most of you have gathered as participants in our well known reader polls.  Over the course of this year alone, we have posed about 70 different poll questions, asking that you share things...

Thursday Poll: Your Current Phone is?

Since another major phone has been released, I'd say it is time to ask the readers of this fabulous community what they are currently rockin'. In the last 2 months, we saw Verizon introduce 3 of the top Android phones ever made in the Rezound, RAZR and Galaxy...

Droid Life’s Top 25 Android Apps Of 2011

As we draw closer to the end of year, we wanted to reflect on some of the apps that seemed to have taken 2011 by storm.  It was only a year ago that the Android Market hit the 200,000 apps milestone, and now we are talking 10 billion app downloads and beyond....