Thursday Poll: How Many Android Apps Have You Paid For?

With the quality of apps on the Android platform on the up and up, I think it's only fair that developers are starting to look at pricing their applications accordingly. Sure, you won't see me pay $50 for TomTom anytime soon, but I don't mind spending a few...

Wednesday Poll: Would You Buy a 32GB Nexus 7?

This morning, we saw an inventory screenshot that points to the possibility of a 32GB Nexus 7 model. We've already been over the benefits of having the additional storage space, so now it's time for us to ask how many of you would actually drop dough for this...

Thursday Poll: How Much Data Did You Use Last Month?

Data usage is going to be a hot topic whether you want it to be or not. Now that carriers like Verizon and AT&T have created tiered and shared data plans, it's obvious that they have realized what their next cash cow will be. Gone are the days of worrying...

Wednesday Poll: Preferred Mobile Processor?

With news of Texas Instruments pulling their OMAP line of mobile processors out of the game, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to find out the preferred processor for your smartphones and tablets. Clearly, the strongest player in 2012 has been Qualcomm...