Tuesday Poll: What Was 2012 The Year Of?

At the beginning of the year, we asked the DL readers what they were looking forward to in terms of mobile technology. With a large majority of the vote at 24% for the first batch of quad-core devices, I think it's safe to say that how many cores your phone...

Thursday Poll: Rooted or Non-rooted?

It seems like we ask this all of the time, but it has been over a year since we last asked the DL community if their phone is rooted or not. So today, let's do it again. We like to stay on top of the trends here on the site, and this is one of the more...

DROID DNA Owners, How’s Your Battery Holding Up?

There have been many who question HTC's placement of a 2,020 mAh battery inside of the new DROID DNA. Reviews from all over the web have shown nothing but mixed feelings toward it - some giving it terrible marks, while others gave it rather good ratings,...

Tuesday Poll: Are You Buying the HTC DROID DNA?

Now that Verizon and HTC have made the DROID DNA official for November 21 at $199, we have to ask - are you buying it? So far, in the comments of most DNA posts, we are seeing a lot of excited readers who can't wait to feel the soft finish in their hands, gaze...