Monday Poll: Most Looking Forward to in 2013?

With 2012 behind us, it only makes sense that we start looking ahead in an attempt to prepare ourselves for what's to come. CES ended with little bang, so that means we have Mobile World Congress, CTIA, Google I/O, IFA, and stand-alone press events left to...

Tuesday Poll: Will You Buy NVIDIA’s Project SHIELD?

On Sunday evening, NVIDIA made the largest splash of CES with the unveiling of Project SHIELD, a cloud based mobile gaming system that allows users to play PC titles right on the device. NVIDIA has worked years on creating the infrastructure and hardware of...

Friday Poll: Which Carrier’s 4G LTE Do You Use?

About half a year ago we asked our readers if they currently lived in an area that supported Verizon's 4G LTE network. Out of 10,000+ votes, we found that a whopping 84% of voters did live in a 4G LTE area. For a company whose goal is to cover their entire 3G...

Droid Life’s Look Back at 2012

We love polls here at DL. It gives us a great sense of how you all feel about certain topics and that is something we care a lot about. Last year, we did a sort of "Look Back" at Droid Life through polls and it was a really interesting post. So, we have...

Thursday Poll: What Processor Is In Your Android Device?

Last night on The Droid Life Show, we briefly touched on mobile processors and the marketing that goes behind them. We discussed that when buying an Android smartphone, sometimes are you not only buying into the Android ecosystem, but you are also buying into...