Tuesday Poll: Do You Care About Google Glass?

I actually can't believe we haven't asked this yet, but I feel as if it's time. Google Glass has been everywhere as of late, now that it is in the hands of developers (and random media outlets who probably have no business with them). We're seeing personal...

Friday Poll: Do You Use Facebook?

Next Thursday, we'll assume that Facebook is going to announce something significant in terms of their social network and how it interacts with Android. They have invited a ton of press to an event that will show off their "new home on Android." Rumors suggest...

Facebook Holding Android-related Event on April 4

Facebook appears to be ready to take Android seriously, as they just sent out invites to a press event that is happening on April 4. All the invite says, as you can see, is "Come see our new home on Android." We'd assume this means a brand new app, but then...