Tuesday Poll: Are You Protecting Your Smartphone?

It's 2013, smartphones have grown to outrageous sizes, prices certainly haven't decreased, and we're using them even more. So we're curious, are you still protecting your phone? Or should we say, are you protecting your technological investment? With 2-year...

Monday Poll: Will You Wait for the HTC One on Verizon?

With a release time frame of "this Summer" for Verizon's newly announced HTC One, there are probably many of you that just realized which device you are now waiting for. The question is, who is going to wait for its release or who has already bought something...

Wednesday Poll: What is Your Current Phone?

The last time that we asked the Droid Life community about their current phone, the Galaxy Nexus was still dominating, followed closely by the Galaxy S3. But since that poll ran back in August of last year, we've seen the Galaxy Note 2 surface, along with the...

Tuesday Poll: Are You Buying NVIDIA’s SHIELD?

Well, pricing is official - NVIDIA's SHIELD gaming system will run $349 at launch. So the big question now is, are you going to buy one? This product was first unveiled some five and a half months ago at CES to a mix of emotions and reviews from both media and...