Thursday Poll: Did You Buy a Nexus 5?

The Nexus 5 is now here, and everyone who was interested in the phone quickly scrambled to Google Play, snatching up their devices as quickly as they could. It seems that a couple of the models are already out of inventory, so let us know down below if you...

Monday Poll: White or Black Nexus 5?

Over the weekend, we got a clean look at two new Nexus 5 press renders in both black and white, thanks to @evleaks. A debate was almost immediately sparked over which version of the phone looked better, with some even dubbing the white version the "panda phone...

Thursday Poll: Do You Own an Android Tablet?

In October of 2012, we asked our readers if they owned an Android tablet. We were sort of shocked to find that 68% of those that voted in the poll said "yes," which was a lot higher than we had expected. But, with so many great options to choose from - such as...