Thursday Poll: What is the Android Phone of the Year?

2014 is less than two weeks from being officially in the books. It has been a solid year for smartphone tech, especially on Android, though I'm not sure this year carried the same weight or significance as years past. Don't get me wrong, it was a good year and...

Tuesday Poll: Contract or Month-to-Month?

Over the last couple of years, we have really tried to open everyone's mind to the idea that there are options outside of carrier contracts and the subsidy phone discount. From covering the best prepaid providers to talking about full retail phone prices and...

Thursday Poll: Rooted or Non-Rooted?

Throughout the day, thanks to topics like the Nexus 6 having encryption that can't be turned off without taking matters into your own hands, we have seen the emergence of a healthy discussion around the topic of tinkering. When we say "tinkering," we are...

Tuesday Poll: Nexus 6 on Which Carrier?

Google has done something with the Nexus 6 that we weren't sure we would ever see - compatibility and availability with every major wireless carrier in the US. In case you missed the wildness of last week's Nexus 6 announcement, just know that you should be...