You Decide: LG G3, OnePlus One, or Xperia Z3?

Part of the beauty in doing what we do on a daily basis is that we get to offer up a lot of our own opinions on Android, tech, and world happenings. Droid Life is this great platform for expression and we take advantage of that more often than not. You may not...

Wednesday Poll: Do You Buy IAPs in Mobile Games?

In-app purchases are no new threat to mobile gamers. However, their implementation is becoming rather alarming, not just because of their existence, but at the rate of which publishers will utilize them to make a game nearly impossible to play without having...

Monday Poll: Do You Own a Smartwatch?

We enter 2015 after a year in which Google decided to takeover the wearable market with Android Wear. Companies had tried before Android Wear to make smartwatches, but if we are being honest, have to admit that most were quite terrible. That's not to say that...

Question of the Day: What Was the Last App You Bought?

Considering how good Monument Valley is as a game, and then seeing how poorly it has done on Google Play when compared to iOS, we have a question for you. What was the last app you bought? For me, I purchase a lot of apps, some for reviewing on DL and a lot...

Wednesday Poll: Droid Life Community, Where You At?

To finish off 2014, we thought we should do something that hasn't been done around these parts in at least a couple of years. It's map time! For those new to the "Where you at?" posts, just know that way back in the early days, we thought it was a cool idea to...