Tuesday Poll: Do You Play Mobile Games?

In 2016, there have been a couple games to gain a lot of traction, the top being Pokemon GO, of course. That leads us to today's poll question. Do you even mobile game, bro? There are many genres to choose from - puzzlers, FPS, RPG, etc. With so many choices,...
pokemon go servers

Poll: Did You Play Pokemon GO This Weekend?

You played Pokemon GO this weekend, right? If you say "no," I don't know that I can believe you. Even me, the guy who spent 30 mins on Friday's DL Show talking about how little I know or understand about Pokemon, installed Pokemon GO and nabbed a Pokemon or...
android nougat

Poll: Android Nougat Name – Love It or Hate It?

Google revealed the name of Android N today and that name is Nougat. Android Nougat, to be exact. There has been fallout on some level. Nerds seem to be unhappy with the choice, probably because it wasn't called "Nerds" or "Neapolitan" or "Nutella." You only...

Tuesday Poll: Google+ Turns 5, Do You Still Use It?

Google+ turned 5 years old today. Don't believe it? Check out our original announcement post, as it's filled with awesome notions like, "it looks to be one hell of an impressive social tool that may even stretch beyond what Facebook has been doing." Yeah, we...

Monday Poll: Do You Use a Custom ROM?

It's no secret, we have pretty much entirely stopped talking about custom ROMs. Sure, we used to adore them and use them on all of our phones, but that was years ago. Times have changed, Android has matured, and frankly, custom ROMs don't offer all that much...

Poll: Are You Buying the OnePlus 3?

With the announcement and unveiling out of the way, along with all of the details made public that you might need to make an informed decision, what's your take on the OnePlus 3? Going to pick one up? Maybe wait for official Moto Z pricing, or maybe new a...