google allo

Tuesday Poll: Are You Still Using Allo?

You have now had a week to adopt Allo and implement it into your daily life, but have you? On a personal level, while I admit the app is cool, it simply does not offer me enough to kick the habit of Hangouts and standard text messaging. Maybe if a desktop...

Wednesday Poll: Do You Still Use Your Smartwatch?

Remember Android Wear smartwatches? They used to be pretty cool, but as of late, no manufacturer has produced anything to get the consumer base excited. We expect Huawei and ASUS will be unveiling new watches here pretty soon, but the maker behind arguably the...
galaxy note 7

Poll: Are You Buying the Galaxy Note 7?

Alright, alright, I know I just said that we were trying to wrap up our Galaxy Note 7 coverage for the day, but we can't do that without asking if any of you actually plan to buy one. Below, you will find a simple poll with "Yes," "No," or "Still on the fence,...
best wireless carrier

Friday Poll: Who is Your Current Wireless Carrier?

It's been a year since the last time we asked which carrier you are using for your mobile phone needs, so it's time to update our numbers. Last year, the majority of voters were rocking Verizon, with Big Red capturing nearly 60% of the vote. Following Verizon...