Thursday Poll: Do You Use Multi-Window?

We were toying around with Picture-in-Picture on the latest build of Android O yesterday, but in doing so I was reminded that I hardly ever use multi-window functionality on my Android devices. Will Picture-in-Picture be any different for me? Hard to tell....
so many damn cases

Friday Poll: Do You Use a Case on Your Phone?

With phones coming out with nothing but glass and super minimal bezels, we won't blame anyone for wanting to protect their investment from a destructive fall. Cases can be a very good thing, and case makers are probably loving the idea of smartphones becoming...
galaxy s8

Wednesday Poll: Buying the Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+?

It's time to weigh in with your official vote over whether or not you plan to buy the Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+. We know the price. We know the release date. We know the features. We know the specs. We know almost everything we can know without doing a full...
twitter android

Thursday Poll: Which App Do You Use for Twitter?

It's 2017 and there's still no shortage of 3rd-party apps for Twitter on Google Play. Leading up to this point, there has been drama, with some apps falling victim to the services's old hostility for 3rd-party development. Remember the finite amount of user...

Wednesday Poll: Is Your Phone Rooted?

We have asked this question before, but as time has gone by, it's safe to say that rooted users have become the minority. That wasn't always the case, but with phones and the Android OS performing and behaving much better, the needs for rooting aren't as dire....