Essential Project GEM

Wednesday Poll: How Attached to Your Phone are You?

With Essential showing off its new perspective on mobile this week, one that we believe will carry the idea of humanity shedding its necessity to constantly be glued to their smartphones, we're curious how attached you may be to your current phone. We...
Favorite Android Cases

What Phone Case are You Using Right Now?

Cases, man, I can't do 'em. I'm a fool, I know, since I went through a phase there where I broke every phone I touched. It's the bulk, or something, though, that I can't ever warm up to. I'm dumb! These are no longer $500 devices made of glass and plastic that...
Google Pixel 4

With All the Pixel 4 Leaks, Your Thoughts Are?

By the time Google gets around the announcing the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL, we'll be in the same position we have been for the past couple of Pixel releases. We'll know everything. We'll know the features, the design, and possibly see a couple of reviews. Google...

What Do You Like Most About Android 10?

Whether you first updated to Android 10 yesterday or have been running all of the Android Q betas, you probably have a good grasp on the new version of Android. You've turned on dark theme, fist-pumped at smart reply in notifications, might have received a...

Tuesday Poll: Are You Still Rocking Widgets?

With news spreading that Spotify has removed its music control widget for Android, we're curious how many among you are still using widgets other than just a clock or weather widget. Back in the day, widgets were all the rage. There was a widget for task...
Galaxy Note 10

Poll: Buying a Galaxy Note 10?

We haven't asked this in an official DL poll capacity yet, so let's go ahead and do that now - do you plan to buy the Galaxy Note 10, Note 10+, or the Note 10+ 5G? As you know, there are plenty of pre-order and launch deals that will help you dramatically...