Download: Roboto Font from Ice Cream Sandwich

During last night's Ice Cream Sandwich event, a new font was introduced into the lives of tech geeks everywhere. Roboto is what Google wants to call it. Supposedly built with the mindset of being "modern, yet approachable." All we know, is it looks nice on a...

Download: Android Market Version 3.2.0

  Over the weekend, we were "anonymously" handed the newest version of the Android Market.  It's build 3.2.0 and is from the Galaxy Nexus - yes, that means it is also from Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0). Not a bad way to start a Monday morning, right?  ...

Download: Nexus Prime Boot Animation

The boot animation from the Nexus Prime aka Galaxy Nexus that was teased to us earlier in the week is now available for everyone to play with.  The instructions we have are for flashing in Clockwork Recovery, but if you aren't rooted, you will have to do it...

Download: Google+ 2.0 Pulled from Ice Cream Sandwich

   Thought that the Google Music app from Ice Cream Sandwich was the last of 'em?  Prepare yourself for the future of Google+ as well.  Version 2.0 has been pulled from the Galaxy Nexus and brings with some new features including a renamed Messenger section...