Download: “Nexus” Notification Sound

As someone on Twitter said when we tweeted this just a few minutes ago, "The 'DROOIIID' sound is so 2010." What about a "Nexus" noise though? Ready to give it a shot? One of our long time readers asked his friend to create something along those lines and this...

Download: New Android Market Version 3.4.4

The newest version up the Android Market has popped up thanks to a long time friend of the site, bringing you all up to version 3.4.4. There aren't a lot of new features from what we can tell, but you will see a new option to "Auto-add widgets." It's still...

Download: DROID XYBOARD Wallpapers

One thing you can say every time Motorola releases a new device, "Damn do they know how to make some nice looking wallpapers." As is the case with the new XYBOARD tablet are available today online and in stores December 12. There are 11 total - a couple you...