iMessage on Android - Green Bubble

Sunbird Promises iMessage on Android and Blue Bubbles

Apple has made it clear that they have no plans to bring iMessage over to Android. They know it keeps their users on the platform and are apparently fine with the green bubble bullying of Android users that is a result of the broken messaging experience iPhone...
Verizon RCS - Jibe Plataform

Google Messages Gets Encrypted Group Messaging

The messages you send between more than a single other person should be private, right? I'm talking about encryption, and the idea is that no one should be able to read your messages other than the people you are sending them to. With Google Messages, the...
Spotify Wrapped 2022

Spotify’s 2022 Wrapped is Here

End of year lists aren't usually very interesting. They are mostly opinions of talking heads (like myself) about whatever the topic at hand and are there to fill a space during the slowest tech time of the year. But one thing that's always fun, because it...